Monday, January 6, 2014

On a dark listless night

On a dark night, when the household has resigned to bed and the city is in slumbers unfortunately you are the only one whom sleep eludes. No one is online; no facebook friend is awake, your mobile has low charge, 3G network wont connect, and your sms pack is not topped up – looks like only loneliness has accepted to be at your side.

Then, in that long silent listless dark night , how will you push time till sleep takes mercy on you?  Dreaming? Grabbing favorite old books? Think of renewing long lost hobbies? Recollect long forgotten memories? – a myriad of other possibilities excite you. And then when you have finally found out one particular thing to be most pleasure-some and satisfying in doing, the ruthless sleep conquers you. Alas! Isn’t this how life is too?