Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The essentials of Growth

All people wish to be praised, wish they were a step ahead of others. That, well, is the first sign of growth. A recognition from a head, a Praise from your colleague, an acknowledgment for your work... all these sound pleasant and actually motivate us to do more.

the wish to be alive in competition is fulfilled when you see signs of your work getting appraised. but to be continuously in competition one must grow from time to time. a stunted work appeals to none. a consistency in progress is the need of the hour. grow by leaps or by inches but keep on growing.

just as in the case of any task growing takes time and needs effort, effort that one ought to make with full commitment.

1. one must posses an attitude to learn. to learn is to update and move forward
2. one must look for knowledge and persue it with zest. knowledge for knowledge sake is no good
3. persistently put in long hours of work, for nothing but work reveals your true potential
4. practice the art of thinking clearly and apply what you learn

a healthy continuous growth is at the root of all wealth. when your goals are high it makes sense to try your best putting in all that you have. above all there is one indispensable constituent of burgeoning, Belief. always believe you were born to grow, that you are capable of growing..

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